Friday, 17 December 2021

How to get rid of the 'H' factor

Posted by Seyifunmi

The 'h' factor simply means adding the sound ‘h' to a word where it does not exist.
For example, pronouncing ‘h’ at the beginning of words like I, only, 
air, and, apple, egg, eyes, onions etc.
This is called affectation: Affectations is a 
behaviour, speech, or writing that is pretentious and designed to impress. It is also a studied display of real or pretended feeling. 
Although those  who have the 'h' factor issue often do not intend to 
be pretentious it is however not an excuse. 

The 'h' factor is often noticed among the Yoruba tribe although it can as well be found among other tribes. 
What is important is recognizing you have the 'h' factor and desiring to work on it.
People often have the 'h' factor when they are pronouncing words that begin with a vowel sound. 

You also have the ‘h’ factor if you remove it where it exists or add it where it doesn't exist. 

Adding 'h' factor where it doesn't exist is called de-affectation. Example is when you don't pronounce the letter ‘h’ when pronouncing home, happening, house, hospital, hammer, habit, heaven, Hallelujah, holy etc.
When you don't pronounce the 'h' in the about words, it will sound as ome, appening, ouse, ospital, ammer, abit, eaven, allelujah, oly etc.
This makes no sense as those words does not exist.

Have you been told you have the ‘h’ factor and wonder why and how to solve it?

No matter how well spoken you are, this speech challenge can taint your speaking prowess and make your well put together speech meaningless.

Having the ‘h’ factor is a ‘taboo’ in the broadcast parlance. Nobody will put you on air if you have it. So, if you ever want to work in a broadcast media house, you need to take this seriously.

I have met many educators with this challenge and sadly, they are passing it on to their pupils. I’ve heard many teachers say ‘a’ for ‘happle’… Sadly so, but true.

It can be very distracting and annoying to people whose ears are tuned to it. It is a total turn-off for a whole lot of people.

In some people, this speech defect is dominant, while in some it isn’t.

How to work on the 'h' factor;

1. Watch out for words that begin with the vowel sounds. Vowel sounds are a, e, i, o, u. Letter ‘h’ attracts words that begin with the vowel, so you need to hesitate before sounding those words. With continual hesitation in the pronunciation to sound right you will master it.

2. Reduce your volume when you are about to hit on those words that begin with the vowel sounds. When pronouncing home, start the pronunciation calmly, softly with less volume....

3. The letter ‘h’ is produced while you exhale. So, most importantly, ensure you hold your breath before you sound those words that begin with vowel sounds. If you don’t exhale, the production of your vowel sounds will be pure. 

4. Compile lots of words that begin with the vowel sounds and practice with them. You will make mistakes, it will take time as there are no magic bullets; but it is definitely doable. 

You should practice with the below words;

”Our hot air hostess handed us hot oats, as she had in her hand our air fare.”

“You don’t ear with your hears”

“I want to eat an apple”

Thanks for reading this as we hope to see your future comments on result obstained.
Kindly note number 4 was put together from professional website and the content on this website can be trusted.

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