Thursday, 11 November 2021

Don't give more than Two missed calls

I sometimes wonder why people give more than two missed calls. I am guilty of this sometimes out of curiosity which is never an excuse. If urgent, call someone simultaneously twice because of Do not Disturb(DND), I sometimes set my phone to DND(twice ring), this means my phone can ring if you call me simultaneously twice. If I am not the one with you Kidney, why give me eight(8) missed calls. Like are you bored, dying or depressed? What exactly will calling me multiple times do? 

I usually will encourage everyone to pick their phone at a ring. I have friends who won't pick until the second time. I see no reason why that should happen though. A normal human person or what else do I need to call us, a normal being should pick at a ring and once you give me two missed calls I definitely will call back as it's normal.
I normally will call three times if the person in question is sick, depressed or going through a lot and I just got to know by a friend or the holy spirit. Other than that, twice is my highest.


Why you should never call more than twice;
1. The person being called might be busyIt is advisable to call a person once and at most twice, as they may not be picking up your call because they are doing something important. 
Calling someone continuously will not make them pickup, if they choose not to initially. It will just unnecessarily add up the number of missed calls on their phone.

2. The person might be in a meeting; I've had scenarios where my phone rang in a meeting because I didn't remember to activate DND. This is very rare as I do this ahead of each physical meetings. The person called might be in a meeting and calling them like that is either distracting them or others in the meeting(if the phone is not on silent/DND).

3. The person might be in danger; What if the person is in danger and you called once perhaps he/she is on bike and can't pick, walking in a weird environment and does not want attention. Perharps there's robbery and the phone is not on silent.

4. He/ She might not want to talk at that moment; It is better not to force someone to talk when they are not ready to as you might hear what you're not suppose to hear. In a relationship some folks force their partner to talk in anger and the result isn't usually great. Let them be quiet if they want to as the calmness might calm the storm.

5. The person called might not have the energy to talk; Have you ever considered the person called might not have the energy to speak? Perhaps he or she is sick or depress. These two states are not for calls, all you need to do is visit.
Learn to visit the person instead of calling.

What do you think about this lovelies?
Drop your comments in the comment session below.

Posted by Seyifunmi 
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  1. Giving a person several missed calls will usually depend on the urgency of the matter. Although I know some people can 20x for something not so urgent. However, the person calling so many times might actually be having a very important and or urgent information that can also benefit you, a deal, a job offer, a call about a family emergency (may it never be the 3rd). If a person a few times, say 3, or 4 times without a response, it means the person being called is obviously "unreachable" (whatever "unreachable may mean) at that time. So I'll suggest the caller sends a text message to the person with a hint to the reason he/she has been calling, that way the person being called can have a clue and prioritise the call accordingly. My thought!

